Thursday, 20 January 2022

Provisional August 2022 Grampian Rotations Announced....

Provisional rotations for the Grampian GP Training Programme have now been published on the North of Scotland GP Training Blog. These are only provisional rotations but give you a good idea of what is going to be on offer. The GP Practices for the Grampian Programme are located in Aberdeen City and throughout Aberdeenshire.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Provisional Rotations For August 2017 Announced

Provisional rotations for Round 1 GPST recruitment have been announced.  There have been significant changes to GP Specialty Training in Scotland for the August 2017 intake.  There will no longer be any 4 year programs, all GP training will be in 3 year programs.  As well as this, the 4 month rotations that we used to offer in ST2 have now been changed to 6 month rotations in all our programs.

These changes have caused significant upheaval to our programs and hence we wanted to let you have sight of our provisional programs for 2017.  Please be aware, they are provisional and may be subject to change and should only be taken as an indication of what is on offer.  As things become clearer we will update them.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

August 2016 Round 1 Re-advert.

We have now finalised the posts available in round 1 Re-advert.  The posts on offer are highlighted in yellow on the relevant pages.  Please note that the Grampian 3 year program filled at Round 1, there are still two rotations in the Grampian 4 year program available.  The Caledonian programs still have rotations available with six in the 3 year program and five in the 4 year program.  The Rural Track program has 9 rotations available.

Good luck!

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Rotations for August 2016 Now Available

The rotations for August 2016 are now available.  These rotations are correct at time of publication in January 2016 but can be subject to change.  We have a large range of options for you with 58 posts in total.

Twelve of these are in the rural track program and are based around our rural general hospitals in Oban, Fort William, Stornoway, Wick, Kirkwall and Lerwick.

We have 23 posts available in each of the Grampian and Caledonian programs with 17 three-year and 6 four-year in the Caledonian program whilst in Grampian we have 18 three-year and 5 four-year posts.

So good luck with rounds two and three of recruitment, we look forward to meeting you in August 2016 at your inductions!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

2015 Round 2 Rotations Finalised

Round 1 of GPST recruitment is now complete and we have now finalised the round 2 posts.  We can confirm that we have 13 posts available in the North of Scotland in Round 2.  These are comprised of:-
We have now finalised the rotations for the successful round 1 applicants and can now condirm which rotations are still offer in round 2.  Please follow the links above to see the available rotations highlighted in red.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Rotations for 2015 Round 2 GP Recruitment

With Round 1 of GPST recruitment now complete we can confirm that we have 14 posts available in the North of Scotland in Round 2.  These are comprised of:-
As we are still in the process of allocating rotations to the successful applicants from round 1 we are unable to show which specific rotations are available in the Grampian and Caledonian 4 year programs. We are however, able to be more specific for the Rural Track program and the available rotations are highlighted.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

North of Scotland GP Training Rotations for August 2015 Now Finalised.

We are pleased to announce that we have now finalised the GP Training rotations that we will be offering in August 2015 and they can be viewed here.  Just use the tabs to navigate between the various programs.

We wish you good luck with rounds 2 & 3 of the recruitment process and then you just need to make that smart first step towards a career in GP in the North of Scotland by selecting our programs when you make your preferences!